Purpose of introduction
  • provision of common EU framework for collection un compilation of statistical data on products (goods and services);
  • comparison of statistics for manufacturing, sales and consumption of products, as well as foreign trade thereof between EU and other countries;
  • making of macroeconomic analysis, research on business activity and market.
Classification object

Products (goods and services) in breakdown by economic activity.

Area of application

Collection and compilation of statistics for products in breakdown by economic activity, national and regional accounts, input-output analysis, other analyses requiring product data.


Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat)

Planned update or revision

The following timelines in CPA revision are foreseen:

  • Presentation of the draft new CPA to the European Statistical System Committee (October 2023)
  • Start of work on correspondence tables and explanatory notes of the CPA (Q3 2023)
  • Start of the procedure for a CPA legal act (November 2023)
  • Translation of the CPA legal act (legal text + new CPA structure in annex) in all EU official languages (Q2 2024)
  • Adoption of the CPA legal act (April 2025)
  • Implementation of the new CPA (2025 onwards)
Coding system, code length, number of levels

Coding system  decimally hierarchical
Code length – six digits

Number of levels – 6

Description of levels
Level 1: 21 sections identified by an alphabetical code (A to U);
Level 2: 88 divisions identified by a two-digit numerical code;
Level 3: 262 groups identified by a three-digit numerical code;
Level 4: 576 classes identified by a four-digit numerical code;
Level 5: 1357 categories identified by a five-digit numerical codes;
Level 6: 3218 sub-categories identified by a six-digit numerical code.