The latest data of the Central Statistical Bureau show that in December 2024, compared to December 2023, the average level of consumer prices* increased by 3.3 %.
Compared to…
On Thursday, 12 December, from 10:15 to 16:00, Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) held a live-streamed conference Territorial Statistics and Applications Thereof. The live broadcast was available on…
Catalogue of Statistical Publications 2025 of Central Statistical Bureau has been published. It provides short description of the publication and the date of publication. All publications will…
On 31 January Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB) will launch annual population survey collecting statistics for income and living conditions (EU-SILC). Out of all 825 thousand…
On Monday, January 8, Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) will start an annual population survey on the use of ICT: the internet, e-commerce and e-government use, digital skills, etc. ICT…
29 December is the last working day of the Central Statistical Bureau President Aija Žīgure. She has been CSB President for 25 years (since 1998) while altogether has been a part of the CSB team…