Public relations specialists prepare statistical information for representatives of media upon request, providing them with information on economic, demographic, social and environmental occurrences and processes, as well as assisting in finding data on the European Union and its Member States.

If you wish to receive the press releases of CSB, send your e-mail address to with a request for it to be added to the media list.
Data reproduction is permitted, provided Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia is quoted as source.

The Central Statistical Bureau is the main performer and coordinator of statistical work within the country. The CSB is responsible for the organisation of statistical work in Latvia, as well as for the accuracy of data that it has received by compiling the information gathered from the respondents.

The overall purpose (mission) of the Central Statistical Bureau is to provide data users with independent high-quality official statistics for decision-making, research and discussions.

Media requests:

Public Relations Section
media [at]
Elīna Kūliņa

Elīna Kūliņa

Public Relations Manager

Visual identity

CSB logo, Graphical standard for the visual identity
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