Published: 18.12.2020.
Updated: 20.02.2023.
Updated: 20.02.2023.
Official Statistics Programme
Official Statistics Programme is approved by the Cabinet Regulation on Official Statistics Programme on annual basis. The programme contains information on the official statistics produced by the CSB and other national authorities over the course of three upcoming years.
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Statistical Council
The Statistical Council is an advisory body the purpose of which is to develop the system of official statistics by providing recommendations to statistical institutions, as well as facilitating cooperation between statistical institutions, respondents and users of statistics.
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Quality assurance framework
Latvian, European and international documentation setting quality requirements for statistical institutes; compliance of statistical institutes with quality assurance framework.
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Classification catalogue
The catalogue of statistical classifications contains key information on the statistical classifications included on the list – information on the developer, edition or publication date, implementation purpose, structure etc.
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