Quality requirements

Quality can be assessed at different levels – for example, there are institutional level quality requirements, process quality requirements, product quality requirements and other. On the other hand, the quality of a statistical product can be defined as suitability of this product for a specific use. Generally, the quality is assessed with respect to the following 5 quality dimensions: relevance, accuracy and reliability, timeliness and punctuality, availability and transparency, as well as coherence and comparability.

CSB, as the governing body of the national statistical system, has determined common general (institutional level) quality requirements for statistical institutions of Latvia, applying European Statistics Code of Practice.

The 16 principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice

The purpose of determining the requirements is to provide Latvian, European and international policy makers and the society with high-quality official statistics and to ensure that common principles and requirements are applied and respected in the Latvian official statistics system.

In this section you will find information describing the general quality requirements which are treated as a quality framework of the institutional level.

If you would like to find quality characteristics of a particular statistical product, please visit Official statistics portal Metadata section.

Quality documentation for statistical institutes

Quality Declaration of European Statistical System shortly summarises quality requirements for European Statistical System.

European Statistics Code of Practice is the cornerstone of the common quality framework of the European Statistical System and a self-regulatory instrument. It is aimed at establishing public trust in European statistics and it defines 16 general principles and corresponding indicators for developing, producing and disseminating statistics. These principles are covering institutional environment, statistical processes and statistical outputs. 

United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are a pillar of the Global Statistical System. Ten general principles regulate official statistics and are applicable in national statistical systems and institutes in daily work.

Recommendations of the OECD Council on Good Statistical Practice summarise general requirements for quality in statistics available in various documents, thus helping OECD countries to present their statistics compliant with the OECD requirements. Twelve recommendations generally meet the United Nations core principles for statistics and provisions of the European Statistics Code of Practice.

The National Statistical System of Latvia (hereinafter – NSS of Latvia) is established by statistical institutions and the Statistical Council. The managing institution of the NSS of Latvia is the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (hereinafter – the CSB), which implements functional subordination over other statistical institutions in the field of production of official statistics, providing methodological guidelines, by supervising the conformity of production of official statistics with the laws and regulations, and also by issuing orders that are required to produce official statistics.

To ensure that NSS of Latvia has common principles and requirements, CSB has developed the Quality Policy of the National Statistical System of Latvia and imposed total quality requirements for statistical institutions which are based on European Statistics Code of Practice.

For implementation of Quality Policy of the NSS of Latvia, the CSB has developed a Memorandum of Understanding (in Latvian), by which the statistical institutions confirm their commitment to implementing and promoting quality standards in their statistical institutions.

The Quality Policy of CSB consists of the CSB's vision, mission, core values and commitment to meet the requirements, follow good practice and ensure continuous improvement. The quality policy is designed and implemented in accordance with the CSB strategy and the action plan.

Statistical dissemination policy defines general principles of statistical data dissemination, availability of CSB`s products and services for data users, communication with data users, cooperation with the media, availability of individual data for scientific and educational purposes.

Revision policy is an important component of good governance practice addressed  more and more often in the international statistical society.The objective of the Revision policy is to lay down the order of review or revision of the prepared and published data.

Revision is review of any published statistical data, regardless of the fact, whether the data are distributed electronically (in publicly available data bases or in press releases of CSB or in printed form (CSB publications)).

The first chapter of the present document explains the terms applied in the Revision policy, the second chapter characterises shortly the CSB revision policy, whereas the third chapter stipulates the revision cycle of the statistical data prepared by the CSB

Compliance of statistical institutions with general quality requirements

The CSB has been assessing the compliance of Latvian statistical institutions with the general quality requirements since 2016.

The first phase was completed in 2023 - the results of the assessment showed that, on average, 91% of the requirements were fully implemented in the institutions, 7% were partially implemented and 2% were not implemented. The non-implemented requirements were mainly related to the (un) availability of data, metadata and the statistical publication calendar on the Official Statistics Portal.

In 2024, the self-assessment questionnaire was updated and the second phase of the assessment was launched, assessing statistical institutions that provide official European statistics. The results of assessment show that the average compliance of institutions with the general quality requirements has increased and already reaches 97% ("Yes, fully implemented" 81.5% and "Yes, largely implemented" 15.5%). Similar to the previous phase, it was concluded that the requirements related to the availability of official statistics, metadata and publication calendar on the Official Statistics Portal were not implemented fully, however, the unimplemented requirements are only 0.9%. The situation has improved since 2023, however, not all institutions have had the resources available to fully implement these requirements, therefore work continues to implement the necessary improvements. 

Peer Review on Compliance with European Statistics Code of Practice

In 2017, the ES CoP was reviewed and extended and now encompasses 16 principles. Along with the need for a running peer review, this revised version of the ES CoP triggered a third round of peer reviews, being carried out in the Member States of the European Union and of the European Free Trade Association, and Eurostat from 2021 to mid-2023.

In Latvia, the third round of peer reviews took place from 20 February to 24 February 2023 (previous two in 2006 and 2014) and one of its objectives was to review the compliance/alignment of the national statistical system with the ES CoP.

Apart from other activities, the review process additionally involved interviews with more than 70 various internal experts, external data users and stakeholders. The peer review experts also found out about the latest progress and achievements of the official statistics system in Latvia.

The peer review was concluded with a final report which, apart from a brief description of the national statistical system, gave 19 recommendations.

More about ESS peer reviews on Eurostat website.