Every year Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) informs all respondents included in the sample of any statistical survey by sending an informative letter signed with a secure e-signature to respondent's e-mail or a letter in paper form to postal address (if e-mail address is not known). During the year a respondent may be included in additional survey or surveys; the CSB will inform on that in another letter.

Submit data in Electronic Data Collection (EDC) System (in Latvian)
By entering Tax Identification Number, you can check, if and what forms your enterprise must submit (in Latvian)
By entering Tax Identification Number, you can check main kind of activity of your enterprise (in Latvian)

If you cannot submit the forms electronically, you can send them to CSB by post to address Lāčplēša iela 1, Rīga, LV˙– 1010.

In case of any questions, call +371 67366881 or send us e-mail to edv@csp.gov.lv.

Working hours: 8:30 to 17:00 on working days.

Statistics compiled by the CSB is freely accessible and serves the needs of policy makers and other data users to help them make decisions that affect the lives of everyone in Latvia. Data submitted by respondents are considered confidential and are used only in summaries. The CSB ensures personal data protection and confidentiality of information according to effective legislative acts of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia.

The CSB collects, processes and analyses statistical information on national economy and socio-economic processes. All CSB activities are based on Article 14 of the Statistics Law and Cabinet Regulation No. 816 on Official Statistics Programme 2025.-2027 (in Latvian).