Purpose of introduction
  • definition of basic (minimum) requirements for the classification of occupations meeting international practice with an aim to guide staff training accordingly;
  • provision of workforce recording and comparisons meeting international practice to ensure that this information can be used by countries in their population census, needs of national employment services, and for other customer-oriented goals;
  • comparability of occupation statistics in the EU Member States and in the rest of the world.
Classification object

Occupations, positions, specialities, crafts.

Area of application
  • labour market development policy;
  • compilation of statistics in breakdown by occupation

International Labour Organisation

Planned update or revision

Work has been started on development of conceptual plan for the classification updating and improvement of relevant terms and definitions.

Coding system, code length, number of levels

Coding system hierarchical
Code length – four digits
Number of levels

Description of levels
Level 1 – 10 major groups
Level 2 – 43 sub-major groups
Level 3 – 130 minor groups
Level 4 – 436 unit groups