14. un 15. septembrī Rīgā norisinājās ikgadējā starptautiskā PX saimes programmatūras lietotāju un izstrādātāju sanāksme, kurā klātienē piedalījās 40 dalībnieki no 13 valstīm, bet attālināti vēl 50. Zināmākās programmatūras no PX saimes – PxWEB, izmantots un ikdienā redzams statistikas portālā, PxEdit – izmanto Px datņu veidošanā.

Trešdiena, 14. Septembris |
Pēteris Jurčenko, |
Welcome word & Introduction |
10.00–10.30 |
Mikael Nordberg & Petros Likidis, Statistics Sweden |
PxWeb 2023 v1 |
10.30–10.50 |
Pauze |
10.50–11.20 |
Mikael Nordberg & Petros Likidis, |
PxWebApi 2.0 |
11.20–12.20 |
Pauze |
12.20–13.30 |
Kristin Glomsås & Maren Knutsen, Statistics Norway |
PxWeb 2.0 – New interface |
13.30–14.30 |
Kadri Naumanis, |
Experience of going from .stat to PxWeb |
14.30–15.00 |
Pauze |
15.00–15.30 |
Gundega Kuzmina, |
User experience when digging for data (from Google to PxWeb) |
15.30–15.45 |
Mohammed Sahmoud, |
Experience of using PxWeb SDMX
15.45–16.00 |
Jose Saarimaa, |
PxGraph – what is it and what does it do? |
16.00–16.30 |
Lars Pedersen, |
Pxmake is back, this time as r package Use it to read, edit & save multilingual px files |
16.30–17.00 |
Piektdiena, 15. Septembris |
Veli-Matti Jantunen, |
News in PxEdit |
09.00–09.40 |
Stefan Jul Gunnersen, |
Interactive charts – combine Highcharts with Px-files. |
09.40–10.10 |
Stefan Jul Gunnersen, |
PostGreSQL – alternative open source database in PxWeb |
10.10–10.40 |
Pauze |
10.40–11.10 |
Lorenzo Bruni, CSO, Ireland |
Nibbles from Ireland |
11.10–11.30 |
Lorenzo Bruni, CSO, Ireland |
AI for Semantic Open-Data: no more ontology barriers |
11.30–12.20 |
Åsa Arrhén, Statistics Sweden |
Income questions and comments |
12.20–13.00 |